Working in Comfort
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Working in Comfort

I grew up on a ranch located in the southern United States. For as long as I can remember, my father has raised beef cattle. Every summer, he has the arduous task of baling cutting and arranging hay into bales. Because of the hot humid weather in our part of the country, my father particularly dreaded this summer chore when I was young. His hay baler didn’t contain an air conditioner in it. Thankfully, he has recently acquired a hay baler with this convenience. Now, he can cut his hay down without even breaking a sweat. If you’re thinking about getting into the cattle business, consider opting for an air conditioned hay baler immediately. On this blog, you will discover the advantages of buying a new state-of-the-art hay baler with a built-in air conditioning system.

Working in Comfort

Mower Type: One Size Doesn't Fit All

Luis Harvey

The lawnmower type you choose for your golf course doesn't always matter; you can mow the lawn no matter what style you choose. But the type does matter depending on the fragility of the lawn, whether the course is complex or straightforward, and other issues that only you and your crew know about. If you know your course well, choosing a type of mower won't be that hard, but if you've started managing a new course or have changed some of the features on your current course, you'll have to re-evaluate some of the following issues:


Golf courses are meant to be smooth, without damage that could ruin a game or a view. Riding mowers can compact the grass and soil. If the new portions of the course are particularly fragile -- maybe the grass is still fairly new, and the turf hasn't become well-established yet -- a lighter walking mower is better. Also, if you're having drainage issues or if it's been raining quite a bit, a lighter mower will be less likely to leave tracks in the moist soil.


Riding mowers are fairly big and don't let the operator get up close and personal with some of the more detailed areas of the course. If there is a problem or if small areas aren't being trimmed properly, the operator won't know. Walking mowers let the operator get a better look at what's really happening at grass level, partly because the operator will be close, but also because the walking mower will move more slowly, allowing the operator more time to see the area around him or her. For wider areas, a riding mower may be fine, but for areas where you need more care in cutting grass at borders, for example, a walking mower would be good.


If you're understaffed, your current grounds crew may be running back and forth to take care of the whole course. Having them walk the entire thing pushing a mower could be kind of excessive. Letting them use a riding mower would give them a nice break.


Understaffed or not, riding mowers get the job done more quickly than walking mowers. If you want to save time, adding as many riding mowers as you can will help tremendously.

You can always get a few mowers of each type to make your lawn care more versatile. If you can get only one type, though, go with the one that will make the job easiest. Contact a company like for more information and assistance. 
